Sunday, October 30, 2016

Dangers of Online Posting

The dangers that come with posting online are a real and constant threat. This threat is multiplied when children are involved. Once something is posted online, it is forever on the internet. Predators are everywhere and the internet is no exception. I believe there are several precautions that we can take to protect our children from these dangers.
First, I believe it is paramount to teach our children about online safety. Things such as never posting their whereabouts, being mindful of the photos they post to social media, and keeping personal information private can go a long way. In this case, I believe prevention is key.
Another precaution to take is to maintain tabs on what our children are doing. Technology has given us the advantage of parental controls, but these are not fail proof. We need to know what our children are doing online in order to protect them.
In addition, utilizing the parental controls that are available can help promote online safety. By keeping children from visiting websites that they shouldn't be, we are helping to keep them safe online.

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